Noob question- torque converter

OHV/OHC Engines

Noob question- torque converter

Postby highcvelocity » Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:45 am

just bought a Manco Elliminator SS, 6.5 HP Robin Subaru Engine. Wanting to replace the clutch with a torque converter. However, when looking at the sprockets there are two of them and not sure where the converter would sit. see pictures in link. any help would be appreciated
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Re: Noob question- torque converter

Postby BlackScorpion » Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:17 pm

highcvelocity wrote:just bought a Manco Elliminator SS, 6.5 HP Robin Subaru Engine. Wanting to replace the clutch with a torque converter. However, when looking at the sprockets there are two of them and not sure where the converter would sit. see pictures in link. any help would be appreciated

I don't see a link for the image, The T would bolt up to the motor, not sure what you mean about the sprockets since i can't see the image.

Here a video of one being installed, you might want slow the video down as they speed it up for time,
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