by Klf » Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:21 pm
This weekend I bought a new buggy...not sure what it is I think it is a dong fang avenger...its model number is TK200GK-8 AND THE MOTOR IS 161QML.....It has 22x10x10 tires on the rear, a 15 tooth sprocket on the motor shaft ,and a 31 tooth sprocket on the axle shaft it will do 37-40 mph but I would like for it to have more torque.....I think I would need to go down to a 12 or 13 teeth sprocket on the motor and be where I want to be.... not sure. the sprockets and chain on this buggy are what I see on some sites called double strand (two sprockets welded together)...need advice on what to do and where to buy these sprockets.....I called GOPOWERSPORTS and they do not have them.