Yerf Dog belt loose after Clutch Install

Murray & Yerf-Dog (USA) Fun-Karts, GoCarts

Yerf Dog belt loose after Clutch Install

Postby skinnylikeaboss » Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:37 am

Hey there,

Just stumbled across this forum while searching this topic and have no idea if this place is even still alone lol. I purchased two Yerf Dogs 3203 recently (I know right?) and have been changing up some parts to get them back in shape. I recently replaced the clutch on one and noticed that the belt was really loose going on. It will drive but totally different from how it was before. Belt is new but wasn't replaced this time around.

No missing parts, put back together as normal. Anyone have any ideas on why it could be loose?

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Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:31 am
Ride: Yerf Dog 3203

Re: Yerf Dog belt loose after Clutch Install

Postby gofastman » Wed Oct 30, 2024 12:42 pm

Welcome! Yes there is 3 of us at most currently. Luckily you have 2 so it should be easy to compare. Something has to be different if it changed. So when you say clutch, what exactly did you replace? The Drive assembly, the driven assembly, etc. Also, why was it replaced? For the most part they shouldn't wear out or need replacing. Grease can dry up and prevent them from sliding around correctly but that is just a clean and lube job. As far as driving different, it should be related to belt slack but there is different spring options available.
Fix things even if they are not broke. Its called UPGRADES!!
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