by GoldKart » Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:01 am
I just picked up a used off road go kart/buggy and I cant find any identifying tags, marks or numbers anywhere. I have scoured the internet for two days and I am unable to identify this kart/buggy. I am attaching some pics and it does have some unique features. It has independent suspension on all for wheels. Is has a steering rack, not the typical basic steering linkage. It has a hydraulic disc brake on the rear and it's most interesting feature is that the steering wheel is attached to a bar that tilts up and down. I guess to adjust it, or maybe just make it easier to get in and out? It unfortunately appears to be missing the piece that locks that bar in place on the drivers side, but you can see the attachment points for it on both the frame and the "steering bar". It is pretty wide for a two seater (about 5 ft from wheel to wheel) and i believe it's about 7 ft long, bumper to bumper. It has these... i dont know what to cal them... maybe "step bars" on both sides. It also has a front and rear pushbar, or, almost a bumper, sort of. There is a rack on the back as well above the motor. The frame tubing is pretty large at 1.5" diameter tubing. It has 19x7-8 tires on all four wheels. The engine is a predator, but has no identifying decals or indication of the size or HP. I am going to try to find a serial number on the engine tomorrow. I could not find any tag or serial number on the frame. I keep leaning towards Manco or Murray because of the headrests and the rear end configuration, which reminds me of the Manco Bad Cat, but its definitely not a Bad Cat. I believe Manco karts and buggys typically have fixed steering wheels. I was really hoping that that tilting steering bar would help make this easy to identify, but i am stumped. I guess from it's size, this would qualify as more of an off road "buggy", as opposed to a kart, but that's really here nor there. I looked through all the manco models that I could find and I didnt see this kart anywhere. Maybe it's Chinese or something, but it's a seriously stout, well built, full featured kart. It does not have electric start, or lights or anything like that though. I am stumped and could really use some help identifying this. Any help is greatly appreciated!