This is why you DONT disable the governor.

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This is why you DONT disable the governor.

Postby Red-85-Z51 » Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:34 am

Ill try and get some pics this coming week..

Friend today decided to degovern his 6.5 Briggs Intek so he could run with me. broke 2 cams in an hour...then making a run he threw the rod and opened up the front of the block.

So his decision has left him without an engine...I tried to talk him out of it.

The hole is like 5" long...sprayed hot oil all over his left arm, and a peice of rod came out so fast it shot out in front of his kart.
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Re: This is why you DONT disable the governor.

Postby BlackScorpion » Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:57 am

Red-85-Z51 wrote:Ill try and get some pics this coming week..

Friend today decided to degovern his 6.5 Briggs Intek so he could run with me. broke 2 cams in an hour...then making a run he threw the rod and opened up the front of the block.

So his decision has left him without an engine...I tried to talk him out of it.

The hole is like 5" long...sprayed hot oil all over his left arm, and a peice of rod came out so fast it shot out in front of his kart.

Can't wait to see the pics, is he ok?
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Re: This is why you DONT disable the governor.

Postby Red-85-Z51 » Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:23 am

BlackScorpion wrote:
Red-85-Z51 wrote:Ill try and get some pics this coming week..

Friend today decided to degovern his 6.5 Briggs Intek so he could run with me. broke 2 cams in an hour...then making a run he threw the rod and opened up the front of the block.

So his decision has left him without an engine...I tried to talk him out of it.

The hole is like 5" long...sprayed hot oil all over his left arm, and a peice of rod came out so fast it shot out in front of his kart.

Can't wait to see the pics, is he ok?

Ruined a work uniform, and he'll probably end up with some minor 1st degree burns on his left arm, basically a bad the painful fact he's spent hours getting this engine running right and adapting it to the kart it was on.
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Postby nvmyengine » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:44 pm

that sucks for him....i dont like reving my engines past the stock rpms without internal mods
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Re: This is why you DONT disable the governor.

Postby BlackScorpion » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:53 pm

Red-85-Z51 wrote:
BlackScorpion wrote:
Red-85-Z51 wrote:Ill try and get some pics this coming week..

Friend today decided to degovern his 6.5 Briggs Intek so he could run with me. broke 2 cams in an hour...then making a run he threw the rod and opened up the front of the block.

So his decision has left him without an engine...I tried to talk him out of it.

The hole is like 5" long...sprayed hot oil all over his left arm, and a peice of rod came out so fast it shot out in front of his kart.

Can't wait to see the pics, is he ok?

Ruined a work uniform, and he'll probably end up with some minor 1st degree burns on his left arm, basically a bad the painful fact he's spent hours getting this engine running right and adapting it to the kart it was on.

This is the reason i leave the governor on. your better off modifying it and leaving the governor on.
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Postby smgs92 » Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:06 pm

d*** that sucks try and get some pics and thats also why i dont plan on degoverning my engine
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Postby Red-85-Z51 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:53 pm

He got rid of the engine before I could get pics...but if you twisted just right you could almosty get your whole hand in the block..
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Postby MEMPHIS » Sat Oct 24, 2009 10:22 am

HAHA trust me, when fast moving parts decide to "come loose".... BEWARE. lol
Glad no one was hurt. I had the same thing happen in the shop the other day when Ted over rev'ed his Tech.
Oops. :P
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