FNR shifter

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FNR shifter

Postby duh » Tue Sep 06, 2022 4:57 pm

Has anyone ever replaced the stock shifterImage

with a shifter from 300's Image

I ask because there's completely different ways to connect the cables and was wondering how hard of a task it's going to be to modify. With the style of buggy I've got being well over a decade old I'm sure someone has done this. Sorry for the watermark it's hard to find photos of the shifters and my buggys in the shop or else I'd take pictures.
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Re: FNR shifter

Postby BlackScorpion » Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:12 pm

I'm sure it can be done only foreseeable issue would be the cable, you might need to cut/modify it to make it work with that shifter.
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